One Design System.
Yours.DS Compass is a generator for design, usability, accessibility, and UX knowledge bases. It helps you create custom, modular design systems, including design and development components that overarch and bring together teams, technologies, and products.

Individualized for you
Companies of any size can have their own, individualized design system instead of shoehorning Material & co. everywhere.

Your design system is an investment whose fate should not be tied to any technology, framework, or programming language.

We provide tools to create design systems complying with ISO9241, IEC62366 and other norms for regulated industries.

Knowledge management
Single source of truth regarding business knowledge and decisions on product design, usability, interaction, and UX.
Free tools
TypeSet: typography tool
The best tool for the typography of your design.
Choose the font combination and a type scale, and you’re done. Or fine-tune all settings to your liking. We’ve also got vertical rhythm and “Hamburgevons” covered so even typography gurus will feel at home 🙂
Download the CSS or quickly share your playground with teammates, developers, and clients. All easy, all quick, all in your browser.
Darkify: Dark elevations
The best tool for easy and accessible dark theme elevations.
Ever seen developers pull their hair over Angular/Material elevations in dark mode? Use ColorMatch to generate opaque equivalents for dark-mode elevations. Easily test your colors for readability and accessibility.
Download the CSS or quickly share with teammates, clients, and developers by simply sending them the URL. All easy, all quick, all in your browser.